Distance Learning Contract



Students of Distance Learning are Horizon Honors students and will be held to all Horizon Honors standards both academically and behaviorally. Accordingly, in addition to usual applicable policies, the Distance Learning Contract incorporates expectations specific to Distance learning classrooms.



  • As a student you are expected to log into your course(s) at your scheduled times so teachers are able to record accurate attendance. If an unexpected situation such as illness should arise, a parent will need to contact the Attendance Office via phone call or email to excuse their student. Attendance Line--480-659-3062 Email--[email protected]


Distance Learning Classrooms: 

  • Participation and engagement are important components of Distance Learning. All students in the Distance Learning Classroom are expected to adhere to the following rules and best practices in order to ensure the best possible learning environment for all students.



  • You are expected to log into your classrooms at their scheduled times.
  • Your Distance Learner background must be your student workplace setting and not a virtual image. This setting must be appropriate to the other participants and offer enough light for your face to be visible. 
  • You are expected to be in Horizon Honors Schools dress code. 
  • You are expected to have a fully charged electronic device with a functioning web camera and microphone, as well as, earbuds or headphones with a microphone. If you need assistance obtaining these devices, please contact your Assistant Principal, Kevin Burdette ([email protected] ) for students in grades K-6 and Paul Schneider ([email protected]) for students in grades 7-12.
  • You are expected to have a reliable WIFI connection. If you need assistance obtaining WIFI connection, please contact your Assistant Principal, Kevin Burdette ([email protected] ) for students in grades K-6 and Paul Schneider ([email protected]) for students in grades 7-12.
  • You are expected to be able to scan. If you need assistance with scanning and printing, please contact your Assistant Principal, Kevin Burdette ([email protected] ) for students in grades K-6 and Paul Schneider ([email protected]) for students in grades 7-12.



  • You are required to comply with all guidelines set forth in the student handbook.  
  • You must arrive on time for each Distance Learning class. If required by the platform, you will be admitted to the “waiting room” before being admitted to the class. 
  • You will log into each Distance Learning session using your Horizon Honors email and the specific instructions sent out by the teacher.
  • Your screen name must be your first and last name. 
  • All Horizon Honors classroom rules and expectations apply to Distance Learning Classrooms.
  • Your posture before the camera must be conducive to active learning and participation (e.g., no reclining). 
  • Your full face must be visible in the camera frame. 
  • As expected of any class interaction, participants are to treat each other with courtesy and respect. 
  • Your work must be your own.  Please review academic integrity and plagiarism guidelines in the student handbook.  


  • All Distance Classroom Learners will be held to the Horizon Honors Code of Conduct.
  • All Distance Classroom Learners will be held to the Horizon Honors Technology Agreement.
  • Entering a Distance Learning Classroom fraudulently using the name of another student, faculty or staff member will result in disciplinary action.
  • Using any other name or moniker will result in disciplinary action.
  • Entering a Distance Learning Classroom for a class that is not part of your regular schedule will result in disciplinary action. 
  • Classroom meeting links and passwords are never to be shared.
  • Disruptions to a Distance Learning session may lead to the immediate removal of the student from a Distance Learning session for part or the entire session. Repeated incidents will result in higher level consequences
  • Students with an unexcused absence or who are removed from a Distance Learning session for disruptive behavior may not receive any credit for the activity, class work, assessment, or participation that took place during the absence.
  • Taking screenshots or screen recordings of Distance Learning Classrooms without the explicit permission from the teacher is forbidden and will result in disciplinary action.
  • Copying, pirating, or downloading software and electronic files without permission on Horizon Honors devices  is forbidden.



Horizon Honors will continue to deliver our usual high standards of education remotely but our partnership with you as parents is paramount to ensure students make the most of their Distance Learning experience. 

With this in mind, we ask that you assist your child:

  1. To contact the Attendance Office via phone call or email to excuse their child. Attendance Line--480-659-3062 [email protected]
  2. To establish a tidy, suitably resourced working desk or table at home free from unnecessary distractions. 
  3. To provide access to reliable Wi-Fi, a fully charged electronic device with a functioning web camera and microphone, as well as, earbuds or headphones and the ability to scan.  If you need assistance obtaining these items, please contact your Assistant Principal, Kevin Burdette ([email protected] ) for students in grades K-6 and Paul Schneider ([email protected]) for students in grades 7-12.
  4. To follow their regular schedule, including transitions, lunch, Student Support, etc.
  5. To be dressed appropriately for any Distance Learning sessions per the Horizon Honors Dress Code. 
  6. To have discussion about and reinforce appropriate behavior in Distance Learning sessions, for example treating other pupils with respect and waiting to be invited to speak so that the same standards are maintained remotely as would be in an in-person classroom. 
  7. To provide the appropriate amount of support for the age level of your child.  
  8. Give direction and advice to my child on assignments without judging or telling them exactly what to do or how to solve their problem.  Their work must be their own and their teacher must know where they are successful or where they are struggling.

If you observe your child’s Distance learning classroom, you are considered a visitor to the classroom and will follow the school campus visitor procedures and must comply with Governing Board Policy, KI. You must abide by the requirements set forth below:       

  1. All visitors to the Distance Learning Classroom must check in with the classroom teacher upon arrival.
  2. Some of our students have unique challenges.  These challenges can manifest behaviors that are inappropriate. In many cases, these students have academic or behavior plans unique to them.  In these situations, please trust the teacher’s judgment and do not intervene.  The teachers know each student’s history, which they are not at liberty to share with parents.
  3. Please avoid judging the teacher’s actions.  If you have a concern and don’t understand a teacher’s behavior, please find an appropriate time to sit down and discuss it. This allows for the flow of teaching to be uninterrupted.
  4. If you have concerns about your child’s instruction, please reach out to your child’s teacher outside of class time.  Discussing your child’s specific needs during class times also distracts the teachers from class responsibilities. The teachers are more than willing to listen during non-instructional times of their day.  While they are teaching, their focus must be on the whole class or the smaller groups with whom they are working.
  5. I understand that the laws that protect the privacy of student educational records, including FERPA, apply to the virtual delivery of instruction.   Horizon will not disclose information or records about other students during Distance instruction/teletherapy.  Parents who are observing  their children, may see other students receiving instruction/teletherapy.    Please do your part to help maintain the confidentiality of the other students you observe.
  6. A word about confidentiality and privacy…Teachers and parents have worked very hard to accept each other’s uniqueness and those of the students.  Discussing your child’s day and/or your day with family, friends, etc. is a part of life.  However, if these discussions at home jeopardize our school values or the confidentiality of an individual student in the classroom, please let the information remain with you alone.  Please do your part to model appropriate behavior and conversation if you are discussing other students (i.e. not making fun of other students, spreading gossip, making remarks that are unkind, and the like.)
  7. Finally, please be aware that, as part of this agreement, parents may not record or share any instruction from interactive learning provided by the Horizon Honors Distance Learning Classrooms or in regard to any individual teachers and/or students.
© 2024 Horizon Honors Schools